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All posts by Julie

Below are all of Julie's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Indoor aerials | Installing
Thursday 28 July 2011 4:26PM

I have a Technika DTV in my bedroom with a SLXA amplified set top aerial (roof or attic aerial not an option) on which the reception is brilliant on most channels except film4 in the evening; unless a taxi stops outside or there are people metal detecting on the beach 50 yards away where upon I lose the signal on pretty much every channel. What can I use to filter the reception to prevent this?

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Indoor aerials | Installing
Friday 29 July 2011 9:19PM

Quite so Briantist but as a roof top aerial is not an option available to me an Indoor aerial it must be. Do you know if there is something I can use to filter out occasional localised interference? The amplifier is set to low but it does make all the difference to a non-amplified aerial.

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